The tools you need to get the results you want.
With our assessment tools and reports, we give you the keys to identify, develop, and retain high-performing individuals. We offer a "complete" assessment with objective measures of a person's comprehension speed, factual judgement, empathetic judgement and leadership skills. The foundation of our approach is built on the identification of a person's projected and core personalities based on personal beliefs, not simple behavioral preferences. With a 92.2% accuracy rating validated in four languages, our assessment tools have been proven effective over six decades of use and analysis. Whether you're looking for greater insight during the hiring process, clear strategies to increase sales, effective communication and productivity, or a path to creating a more innovative and connected culture, we can help you develop and grow your company's most valuable asset: the people you work with every day.
Our Reports:
- Leadership Matrix and Comprehensive Interview Report
- Performance Management Strategies
- Individual Learning Styles
- Individual Sales Self-Development Strategies
“My profiling/coaching session with Juddy unexpectedly turned into a revolutionary moment in my life. Not only did I validate core beliefs within myself that I believe to be true, but he gave me the confidence to go out and paint the world in my colors! Several months after my initial coaching session I engaged Insight Profiling to help me build a professional sales force. They gave me all the tools I need to efficiently administer the assessment to potential employees and break down the results in a meaningful way. ”